
Floorplanner | base camp

The ultimate course for beginners

Is base camp for me?

This course is for anyone who wants to provide their clients with professional floor plans and 3D renders, using Floorplanner.

This training is useful for anyone who has little or no experience with drawing in Floorplanner.


For example, real estate agents, interior architects, interior designers, interior stylists, staging stylists, real estate stylists, back-office employees of real estate agencies, real estate photographers, real estate marketers, employees of office & home furniture shops, architects, building engineers.

Learn the Floorplanner basics 
A course you can rely on!

Course content in detail >> 

In 2D and 3D, you’ll learn …

  • how to draft a building’s entire structure
  • how to finish and furnish rooms
  • how to annotate floor plans for easier reading
  • how to publish, export and render your drawings

Hans van Sloten
Hans van SlotenFoto Hans van Sloten | real estate photography
An excellent alternative to classroom training during corona times. It is also an advantage that you can follow the training in your own time and from home. I have been active with Floorplanner for quite some time, but it often took me a lot of time. In this training, I received many tips and tricks, helping me work faster.
Hans van Sloten
Hans van SlotenFoto Hans van Sloten | vastgoedfotografie
Een goed alternatief voor de klassikale opleiding in de coronatijd. Daarnaast geeft het voordelen, omdat je in de eigen tijd en in je eigen omgeving de opleiding kan volgen. Ik ben zelf al geruime tijd actief met Floorplanner maar het kostte mij vaak veel tijd. In deze opleiding kreeg ik veel tips en trucs waardoor ik sneller kan werken.
Auke de Haan
Auke de HaanDrawing floor plans for real estate agents as a hobby
orooloo helps you acquire the necessary skills to independently create a perfect home presentation (2D and 3D)! The video instructions are practical. You can quickly draw by yourself based on the assignments. If you have any questions after completing a lesson, the answer will almost always be in the Frequently Asked Questions section. This course has a clear, practical, and logical structure.
Auke de Haan
Auke de HaanHobbymatig plattegronden tekenen voor makelaars
Via doe je alle benodigde vaardigheden op, om zelfstandig een perfecte woningpresentatie (in 2D en 3D) te kunnen maken! De video-instructies zijn praktisch. Je kunt snel zélf tekenen n.a.v. opdrachten. Heb je na de afronding van een les tóch nog vragen hebt, staat het antwoord praktisch altijd in de rubriek ‘meest gestelde vragen’. Deze cursus is overzichtelijk, praktisch en logisch opgebouwd.

Build confidence

Learn by doing

Each explanation and video is accompanied by assignments.

The assignments have a constructive level. The further in the course the more you have to show during an assignment.


Find answers

Sometimes your laptop just doesn’t do what you want it to do.

We know all about the hiccups and common beginners’ mistakes. Find answers in our FAQs.

Build experience

The course content follows a logical order. Assignments also become increasingly challenging to give you all the experience you need.


Course content in detail

+ Getting started

  • dashboard highlights
  • basic settings to use as a novice designer
  • how to start and name a project
  • uploading Floorplanner projects
  • selecting canvas views for drafting and viewing your floor plans 

+ 2D drafting

  • using rooms, walls or surfaces from tools
  • drawing rooms, walls and surfaces
  • designing rooms in any shape
  • working with interior and exterior walls
  • adding floors
  • creating designs
  • positioning and adjusting doors, windows and other structural elements
  • defining name and colour spaces
  • using dimension lines

+ Making it a home

  • applying floor and wall finishes
  • wallpapering an entire room
  • finding a specific element in the library
  • decorating and furnishing rooms in a few clicks

  •  adjusting wall and surface heights
  • tilting walls and surfaces to create roofs
  • learning other ways to create roofs*

  • explaining export options
  • ‘flying’ through a building

Follow your dreams

Get the skills

Become a professional Floorplanner designer

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