Floorplanner | Base camp
Finishing the floors and walls
3 Quizzes
Colored bungalow
Bungalow with wooden floors
Please read the FAQ Section Making it a home-1
4 Quizzes
Decorate the children’s room
Browse the library
Use some magic!
Please read the FAQ Section Making it a home -2
3D Basics
5 Quizzes
Adjust your first wall heights
Draw your first sloped walls
Crazy wall heights
Draw your first sloped surfaces
Please read the FAQ Section Draw 3D – 1
3D roof basics
3 Quizzes
Drawing a gable roof using the SURFACES tool
Drawing a gable roof using library elements
Please read the FAQ Section Draw 3D – 2
Project settings
3 Quizzes
Download an fml and create a new project
Enjoy the viewer and the spaceplanner
Optional | Embed a project in your website
Exports and renders
2 Quizzes
Create your first fly-through
Please read the FAQ Section End Results
FAQ Section Start
3 Topics
Q | What are the differences between memberships?
Q | I want to create a brand-new account, but my email address is already taken.
Q | My computer is slow or crashes every time
FAQ Section Dashboard
2 Topics
Q | I’m in a project, in the drawing area. How do I get back to my dashboard?
Q | I can’t update my personal info
FAQ Section Start a project
3 Topics
Q | My work area / editor looks different
Q | How to empty a project?
Q | What is the room wizard?
FAQ Section How to set the editor
4 Topics
Q | How to zoom in or out on Windows
Q | How to zoom in or out on Mac
Q | The sidebar / menu is not completely visible
Q | I don’t understand what I see in 3d
FAQ Section Draw 2D
30 Topics
Q | I am trying to select a surface/line/wall, but nothing happens
Q | How to empty the canvas/working area?
Q | How to upgrade a project?
Q | How to stop the pointer from drawing?
Q | How to delete a wall?
Q | A room appears when using the undo button
Q | Drawing a room using the DRAW ROOM tool fails.
Q | Drawing a room or a wall fails when manually entering its dimensions.
Q | Resizing a room by changing its DIMENSION LINES fails.
Q | The wall is not turning blue if I try to select it and it can’t be moved.
Q | The floor finish has disappeared.
Q | I don’t see any dimensions.
Q | The displayed dimensions are too small or too large.
Q | The length of the dimension line changes, but the room size doesn’t.
Q | The walls are indicated as being very thin.
Q | I am seeing black patches and crosses on my screen.
Q | Surface appears not to work. I see strange white patches atop my grid.
Q | I add a new floor, but nothing happens. I copy a floor, but nothing happens
Q | I delete a floor, but nothing happens
FAQ Section Making it a home
16 Topics
Q | I added a surface to a room. The surface now looks vague in 3D
Q | If I select a surface or a room, it is automatically assigned to a roomtype. Can I remove this?
Q | Where do I find Hex color codes?
Q | The surface is not visible in 3D but is in 2D
Q | I drag and drop paint or materials on floors, but nothing changes
Q | How can I remove a wall finish?
Q | How can you remove colors from the project palette?
Q | The pattern is not working.
Q | Where can you find the pattern menu?
Q | My lamp doesn’t emit light
Q | Can I adjust the furniture colors in any desired color?
Q | The painting is not visible
Q | The glow of the lamp remains visible after removing the lamp
Q | Where to find the magic layout button?
Q | In 2D I don’t see any items placed at ceiling height
Q | I am trying to select furniture, but nothing happens
FAQ Section Draw 3D
4 Topics
Q | I see strange gray triangles in 3D
Q | The wall is not turning blue if I try to select it and it can’t be moved
Q | The roof on top of the wall is not fully displayed
Q | The walls look relatively low in 3D
FAQ Section End results
3 Topics
Q | The exported 2D images are displayed in the EXPORTS menu, but the 3D images are not
Q | The export files don’t appear in the export menu.
Q | My fml-file has the filename extension fml.xml
Final assignment Base camp
2 of 2
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FAQ Section End results
Floorplanner | Base camp
FAQ Section End results
Lesson Content
0% Complete
0/3 Steps
Q | The exported 2D images are displayed in the EXPORTS menu, but the 3D images are not
Q | The export files don’t appear in the export menu.
Q | My fml-file has the filename extension fml.xml
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